
Re: multiple IP's on single machine

At 11:57 AM 1996-06-13, janet bell wrote:
>Will CLHTTPd handle multiple IP's on the same machine?
>Would this functionality be easy to add?
>Would there be a better way to handle multiple virtual domains?


I have just been reading the latest HTTP 1.1 draft standard and multi-homing
will be trivial for CL-HTTP in HTTP 1.1.  The client is required to send a
host header
which is prepended to the request URL and looked up in the URL table.

This version of the protocol is known as the "save the Internet release"
because its
primary thrust is to reduce the consumption of network resources by the
HTTP protocol.

One such resource is IP addresses (due to a failure by the internet
designers to believe Tom Knight
when he insisted that they would need a 64 bit address space).
Multi-homing has thusfar been
implemented by assigning separate IP addresses to each hosted DNS name.
This consumes
the extremely scarce resource of IP addresses.  Thus, the HTTP 1.1 Host
header puts an end
to this wasteful practice.

This HTTP 1.1 feature will be in the next release of CL-HTTP.

Of course, there remains the problem of legacy browsers.  I imagine that
the released
versions of Netscape 3.0 and Microsoft 3.0 will be HTTP 1.1 compliant --
and this should happen
before September.