
Problems getting basic athentication to work

I have been trying to get basic authentication to work on my server to
no avail. I created the small example below and placed it in the file
custom/user-exports.lisp.  When I try to access amp-caper.html, I get
queried for a password, but when I type the correct password I still get
access denied. Why is this?

(add-realm :system :basic)
(add-group :system :hackers)
(add-user "jvb" :system
          :password "foo-bar"
          :groups '(:hackers)
          :personal-name "Jeffrey Van Baalen"
          :email-address "jvb@uwyo.edu")

(export-url #u"amp-caper.html"
            :pathname "/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/amp-caper.html"
            :authentication-realm :system
            :capabilities '((:default :hackers))
            :private t
