
Re: permissions to start server

Please read the acl; -read-me-.text file. This problem has been
solved for ACL and is documented. You don't have to be root to run
the server on 80, a small C program opens 80 but then renounces
root privileges and execs CL-HTTP. The build script even prints
out what you need to do - or read http.script. CL-HTTP will always
run with your ownership which is the safest thing your can do.

Dave Cooper wrote:
> Hello,
>    I'm not sure if this is the right place to be sending questions,
> if not please bounce it right back to me.
>   I'm running cl-http under Allegro CL 4.3 on a Sun UltraSparc
> with Solaris 2.5 .  The server compiles and loads up just fine,
> but it seems I have to be root to start the server.  If I try it
> as a non-root user, I get an error something to the effect of
> "Bind failed- permission denied".
>   If possible, I'd rather not have to be root in order to start the
> server and hack in the Lisp environment -- it's kind of dangerous,
> because while being root I might step on files which I really
> shouldn't have permissions to change.
>    Does anyone out there know how to set permissions so that you
> can start cl-http as a non-root user?
>   Thanks!
