
Re: MCL CGI Shell

John's right, of course, about CL-HTTP being a much better way to go.  But
Richard has a good point--just getting CL-HTTP to _compile_, much less
run, can be a daunting task if you've never done it. The first few times I
tried it I worked for a couple of hours, threw something across the room,
and gave up until the next release came out. Now I sort of know what to do
when it gets cranky. 

CL-HTTP desperately needs some web pages dedicated to rank beginners
(especially on the MCL platform since MACTCP is so troublesome) that are
NOT served up by CL-HTTP itself. Has anybody collected any of these
"getting started horror stories and remedies"?

I know John's gonna say "why don't you just do it Shannon" so <grumble
grumble> I just might if people start sending me stuff.

First up: how does Richard fix his error shown below? Anybody?

-Shannon Spires

> Well, since your server gets me 5 of these:

> Error in process HTTP Process 1: MACTCP:  Timeout in :CLOSED while
>waiting for any connection state of :LISTEN, :SYN-RECEIVED, :SYN-SENT,
> Type Command-. to abort.
> See the Restarts=8A menu item for further choices.
> 1 >

>and the documentation is supposed to be served up by the damn server that
>isn't working [a pretty stupid boot-strapping idea if you ask me], I'm
>not looking forward to this...

>As always, it's the players choice.

>I asked this question because I had already been through all this...

>-- "TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@lscorp.com
