
Re: MCL CGI Shell ?

>Pretty much a step back into antiquity.
>CGI is a brain-dead interface.
>CL-HTTP subsumes netprenz.
>CL-HTTP provides complete control.
>CL-HTTP remains by far the most advanced server.
>If you really want to write web applications
>in lisp, you might as well fire up CL-HTTP and  do it.
>It will be much easier than trying to make a silk purse
>out of a sow's ear.

Well, since your server gets me 5 of these:

> Error in process HTTP Process 1: MACTCP:  Timeout in :CLOSED while
>waiting for any connection state of :LISTEN, :SYN-RECEIVED, :SYN-SENT,
> Type Command-. to abort.
See the RestartsŠ menu item for further choices.
1 >

and the documentation is supposed to be served up by the damn server that
isn't working [a pretty stupid boot-strapping idea if you ask me], I'm not
looking forward to this...

>As always, it's the players choice.

I asked this question because I had already been through all this...

-- "TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@lscorp.com
