
Re: Hypermail archive

At 4:43 PM 2/3/97, John C. Mallery wrote:
>At 2:41 PM -0500 1997-02-03, Ken Anderson wrote:
>>We have set up a hypermail archive for the CLIM mailing list:
>>It should automatically update, but it may take a while to get it stable.
>>Please reply to me if you have problems or comments.
>Why not run a modern hyperarchive written in Common Lisp minus
>the regidity of C (recall that hypermail is a reimplementation of
>Tom Gruber's original version in C)?

"...hypermail is a reimplementation of Tom Gruber's original version in
*LISP*" I assume... not to give any credit where it doesn't belong ;-)

-- Terje <Terje@in-Progress.com>
   Media Design in*Progress

   Make your Web Site a Social Place with Interaction!
