
Re: Believing in what you sell...

Simon, et al.,

I am no great LISP hacker, and as a former Unix sysadmin I got a mac so I
wouldn't have to sysadmin again, and I intentionally don't know much about
Mac internals, particularly the afterthought TCP/IP stuff.  However, I was
able to quickly put together a halfway decent web server based entirely on
the code in examples/exports.lisp. I copied over the
examples/configuration.lisp file, changing the obvious references to the
MIT network to be local.  Since all my URLs are computed, I just found the
first computed url in the exports file and copied the method and the
export-url, then just sort of cut&pasted my own code into my new version.

I still don't know very much about how CL-HTTP works, and in fact my code
is probably not taking advantage of a lot of things that the software does
for you.
But it does work, and (now), reliably enough that a UPS has become an issue.

Christopher A. Welty               http://www.cs.vassar.edu/faculty/welty/

Vassar College Computer Science Dept.                Voice: (914) 437-5992
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0462                            Fax: (914) 437-7498
