
Re: Pork addicts are pathetic losers

[all-ai removed from recipients list by popular demand]

Steve Strassmann <steve@method.com> writes:
> First, let me say that I'm probably as much of a lisp fan
> as anyone on the planet. If you know me at all, you know this.
> But geez, I don't know whether this is truly evil or just plain
> idiotic. If your only hope is to seek government subsidies,
> you deserve to die. Horribly. The fact that you're so 
> noncompetitive that you're turning to politicians to save
> your collective butts should be a giant neon sign: 
> Watch Out! Incompetent Morons Present!
> [...]
> Stay away from the politicians: it's the customers, stupid. 

And what if this lobbying action towards the US government was indeed to be
seen as a marketing action towards a "customer who will pay you year after
year"?  Part of what Byron Davies was talking about was selling Lisp as a tool
for a project ("revitalizing" Washington, DC).  And can't the introduction of
Lisp in educational programs be compared to Intel's advertising on TV (TV
watchers are not the ones who build computers)?

My 0.02 Euros...

 Bruno Berstel                +-. +-.                mailto:berstel@ilog.fr
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   Une erreur peut être vraie ou fausse, selon que celui qui l'a commise
   s'est trompé ou non.                          Pierre Dac (évidemment)
