
Re: got cl-http working-sees nothing! ??

[sorry about the repost]

To run cl-http-60-57 under acl4.3 on linux,

In the file http:acl;server;tcp-stream-svr3.lisp
You'll need to redefine the function 
ip-address-string (address),

everything works fine after this:)

IPC::(defun ip-address-string (address)
  (format nil "~D.~D.~D.~D"
          (ldb (byte 8 0)  address)
          (ldb (byte 8 8)  address)
          (ldb (byte 8 16) address)
          (ldb (byte 8 24) address)))

--madhu :-))

 |From: Olivier Clarisse <clarisse@lucent.com>
 |Cc: www-cl@ai.mit.edu, Bug-ACL-CL-HTTP@ai.mit.edu
 |Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 18:11:38 -0600
 |To: madhu@cs.unm.edu
 |Subject: Re: ipc: help
 |In the file 
 |IPC::(defun ip-address-string (address)
 |  (format nil "~D.~D.~D.~D"
 |          (ldb (byte 8 24) address)
 |          (ldb (byte 8 16) address)
 |          (ldb (byte 8 8)  address)
 |          (ldb (byte 8 0)  address)))
 |Pursue this thread under bug-acl-cl-http only.
