
Re: Q) Digest Authentication

  > >Is Digest Authentication routine completed? On my system(CL-HTTP 60-110 devo,
  > >Allegro 4.2, UNIX), it doesn't work. E.g., it always fails examples in
  > >
  > >cl-http/authentication/digest-example.html
  > >
  > >- Jong-won Choi
  > You need to be sure that your _client_ supports digest authentication.
  > I understand that Netscape Navigator 3.0 doesn't, but that Microsoft Internet
  > Explorer does.

So, we have to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer on our Unix system
(I have a SUN Ultrasparc)? (just a bit angry about Microsoft's policy.)

Peter Lucas
Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tel: + 31 30 2534094; E-mail: lucas@cs.ruu.nl
