
HTML 3.2 Generation Macros: Beta Test Release

HTML 3.2 specifies wide-spread practice as of January, 1996.
It is a WC3 recommendation dated January, 1997. Netscape and Microsoft
implement it in their 4.0 browsers.

If you desire interoperability and have been using HTML2 generation
macros, this package gives you more functionality on the browser that
you can expect all browsers to support.

Further information on HTML 3.2, including the specification, is available from:


The next public release will move the package name HTML from HTML2 to
HTML3.2 and we would like to find any bugs or failure to adhere to the standard
before then.

We are now releasing CL-HTTP macros to emit HTML 3.2 as a beta-test release. 
We would like interested users to report any bugs, failures to conform, or problems 
that they notice  with their applications when using this new html 3.2 generation package.
You will need to load this file, replace occurences of html2 or html in
your code, and recompile. As bugs are reported to mailto:bug-cl-http@ai.mit.edu, they
will be fixed and the version on wilson updated.

HTML 3.2 Generation Macros are now available from Wilson in


This generation package includes some performance improvements for
anchors and sections.

The pack is missing file upload which will be added soon.