
Something funny with hotjava

I was trying hotjava (1.0 beta, fairly recent), to see if it did
digets authentication (I don't particularly fancy IE, and I don't have
spyglass), and it said something strange to me:

the root of my server is a file with a frameset in, which looks like:

<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM "html-3.2-frames.dtd">
  <frameset cols="30%,*">
    <frame src="ishmael-text.html" name="aux">
    <frame src="top.html" name="main">

(html-3.2-frames is a dtd I wrote based on some version of the 3.2 dtd
+ frames based on netscape docs -- anyway it shouldn't matter).  The
urls pointed to by this are computed.

And I'm exporting it with

(export-url #u"/"
   :secure-subnets ...
   :pathname ... )

This works in netscape, but hotjava says `unknown viewer
application.  Am I doing something wrong here, or is hotjava just
broken (as well as slower than it's possible to imagine!)

I guess what I need is something which will show me the whole
http transaction so I can be sure that hotjava is being bogus -- is
there such a tool (other than telnet)?


PS sorry for steady stream of silly questions -- I wish I had more
time to work out the answers myself instead of doing `real work'...
