LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL Reference Manual

functions for morphological parsing in LinguaLinks

based on AMPLE functions version 3.2.1

October 1998

by Stephen McConnel

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL

Since it was released in 1988, the AMPLE program has been used for morphological analysis in many different languages. It has always functioned as a batch processing program, which is useful for production work such as analyzing an entire book, but is less useful during the early stages of developing a morphological description. The LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL has therefore been developed with the goal of making it possible to embed AMPLE style morphological parsing into LinguaLinks.

The LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL is built with the AMPLE function library. See section `Introduction' in AMPLE Function Library Reference Manual. For maximum usefulness, it is a Win32 DLL, not a Win16 (Microsoft Windows 3.x) DLL. It is compiled for an 80386 or better CPU, and is compatible with Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 95, and `WIN32S.DLL' for Windows 3.x.

This manual, and the DLL it documents, are still being revised.

2. LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL functions

The LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL functions all return a character string. This string contains either a value dependent on the function or an error message. The arguments to these functions, which vary in number from zero to four, are also all character strings.

(This is, of course, subject to negotiation and change.)


2.0.1 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs(
                        const char * pszMorphs_in)

2.0.2 Description

AmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs adds one or more morphnames to the existing list of morphnames for selective analysis. It may be called once or more than once to build up the list of morphnames.

AmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs is an alternative to AmpleSetParameter("SelectiveAnalysisFile", filename). It erases any filename stored for the SelectiveAnalysisFile parameter, but does not erase any morphnames already in the list for selective analysis.

2.0.3 Return Value a string indicating success or failure

2.0.4 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC1)(const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC1	pfAmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs;
char *		pszResult;
char            szNewEntry[] = "\
\\m mateo\n\
\\t root\n\
\\c N0\n\
\\a mateo {Matthew_1}\n\
\\a mateu {Matthew_2}\n\
\\a matei {Matthew_3}\n\
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs =
    if (pfAmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs == NULL)
    "Cannot find AmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs)(szNewEntry);
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib          = 0;
    pfAmpleAddSelectiveAnalysisMorphs = NULL;

2.0.5 Source File



2.0.6 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleGetParameter(
                        const char * pszName_in)

2.0.7 Description

AmpleGetParameter retrieves the value of a LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL parameter (global variable). The following parameter names are recognized.

determines whether a new log file is created, or an old log file is added to.
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-c' command line option.
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-a' command line option.
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-/' command line option.
corresponds to redirecting the standard output from the AMPLE program. (This retrieves the file name.)
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-n' command line option.
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-d' command line option.
determines the style of output produced by AmpleParseFile. The possible values are Ana (for the normal standard output analysis file), AResult (for SGML output similar to that produced by AmpleParseText), and Ptext (for SGML output according to the `ptext.dtd' document type definition). (Ptext is not yet implemented.) The default style is Ana.
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-g' command line option.
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-s' command line option. (This retrieves the file name.)
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-t' command line option.

Note that the parameter names are not case sensitive, even though they are shown here in a mixture of uppercase and lowercase.

2.0.8 Return Value

a string indicating the parameter value, or an error message

2.0.9 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC1)(const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC1	pfAmpleGetParameter;
char *		pszResult;
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleGetParameter = (AMPLEFUNC1)GetProcAddress(hAmpleLib,
    if (pfAmpleGetParameter == NULL)
        MessageBox(0, "Cannot find AmpleGetParameter in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleGetParameter != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleGetParameter)("MaxTrieDepth");
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib           = 0;
    pfAmpleGetParameter = NULL;

2.0.10 Source File



2.0.11 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleLoadControlFiles(
                        const char * pszAnalysisDataFile_in,
                        const char * pszDictCodeTable_in,
                        const char * pszDictOrthoChangeTable_in,
                        const char * pszTextInputControlFile_in)

2.0.12 Description

AmpleLoadControlFiles loads the indicated control files into memory.

2.0.13 Return Value a string indicating success or failure

2.0.14 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC4)(const char *,
                                       const char *,
                                       const char *,
                                       const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC4	pfAmpleLoadControlFiles;
char *		pszResult;
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleLoadControlFiles = (AMPLEFUNC4)GetProcAddress(hAmpleLib,
    if (pfAmpleLoadControlFiles == NULL)
                   "Cannot find AmpleLoadControlFiles in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleLoadControlFiles != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleLoadControlFiles)("D:/HG/HGAD01.CTL",
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib               = 0;
    pfAmpleLoadControlFiles = NULL;

2.0.15 Source File



2.0.16 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleLoadDictionary(
                        const char * pszFilePath_in)

2.0.17 Description

AmpleLoadDictionary loads the indicated (unified) AMPLE dictionary file into memory.

2.0.18 Return Value a string indicating success or failure

2.0.19 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC1)(const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC1	pfAmpleLoadDictionary;
char *		pszResult;
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleLoadDictionary = (AMPLEFUNC1)GetProcAddress(
    if (pfAmpleLoadDictionary == NULL)
                   "Cannot find AmpleLoadDictionary in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleLoadDictionary != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleLoadDictionary)("D:/HG/HGMORPH.DIC");
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib             = 0;
    pfAmpleLoadDictionary = NULL;

2.0.20 Source File



2.0.21 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleParseFile(
                        const char * pszInFilePath_in,
                        const char * pszOutFilePath_in)

2.0.22 Description

AmpleParseFile parses an input text file, producing an output analysis file.

2.0.23 Return Value a string indicating success or failure

2.0.24 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC2)(const char *,
                                       const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC2	pfAmpleParseFile;
char *		pszResult;
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleParseFile = (AMPLEFUNC2)GetProcAddress(hAmpleLib,
    if (pfAmpleParseFile == NULL)
        MessageBox(0, "Cannot find AmpleParseFile in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleParseFile != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleParseFile)("D:/HG/HGMT05.TXT",
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib        = 0;
    pfAmpleParseFile = NULL;

2.0.25 Source File



2.0.26 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleParseText(
                        const char * pszInputText_in)

2.0.27 Description

AmpleParseText parses the words in the input string. If the string contains only one word, then that word is parsed, obviating the need for a separate AmpleParseWord function.

The parse output follows the simple SGML style format given by the following document type definition. (The parse output is not quite SGML because it does not begin with a DOCTYPE declaration and it does not quote attribute values even when needed.)

<!ELEMENT AResult - - ((error | parse)*) >

<!ELEMENT error - - (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST error code (analysisFailure | rootFailure) #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT parse - - (analysis*) >

<!ELEMENT analysis - - (morph*) >
<!ATTLIST analysis cat CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT morph - O EMPTY >
                allo CDATA #REQUIRED >

2.0.28 Return Value

a string containing either the parse output or an error message

2.0.29 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC1)(const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC1	pfAmpleParseText;
char *		pszResult;
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleParseText = (AMPLEFUNC1)GetProcAddress(hAmpleLib,
    if (pfAmpleParseText == NULL)
        MessageBox(0, "Cannot find AmpleParseText in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleParseText != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleParseText)(
        "Chayta rikar loomaman wicharkur hamakuykuran yachachinanpaq.");
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib        = 0;
    pfAmpleParseText = NULL;

2.0.30 Source File



2.0.31 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs()

2.0.32 Description

AmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs erases any existing list of morphnames for selective analysis. It also erases any filename stored for the SelectiveAnalysisFile parameter.

2.0.33 Return Value a string indicating success or failure

2.0.34 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC0)(void);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC0	pfAmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs;
char *		pszResult;
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs =
    if (pfAmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs == NULL)
    "Cannot find AmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs)();
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib    = 0;
    pfAmpleRemoveSelectiveAnalysisMorphs = NULL;

2.0.35 Source File



2.0.36 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleReset()

2.0.37 Description

AmpleReset removes all control and dictionary information from memory, and restores all internal settings to their default values.

2.0.38 Return Value a string indicating success or failure

2.0.39 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC0)(void);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC0	pfAmpleReset;
char *		pszResult;
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleReset = (AMPLEFUNC0)GetProcAddress(hAmpleLib,
    if (pfAmpleReset == NULL)
        MessageBox(0, "Cannot find AmpleReset in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleReset != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleReset)();
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib    = 0;
    pfAmpleReset = NULL;

2.0.40 Source File



2.0.41 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleSetParameter(
                        const char * pszName_in,
                        const char * pszValue_in)

2.0.42 Description

AmpleSetParameter sets the value of a LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL parameter (global variable). The following parameter names are recognized. If pszValue_in is NULL, the parameter is set to its default value.

determines whether a new log file is created, or an old log file is added to. Possible values are "TRUE" (or "T") and "FALSE" (or "F"). The default value is "FALSE".
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-c' command line option. The first nonspace character in the value string is used for the new comment character. The default value is "|". If the value string does not contain any nonspace characters, then nothing can mark comments in the input files.
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-a' command line option. Possible values are "TRUE" (or "T") and "FALSE" (or "F"). The default value is "FALSE".
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-/' command line option. Possible values are positive integers (encoded as ASCII digit strings). The default value is "0".
corresponds to redirecting the standard output from the AMPLE program. The value string is the name of the output log file. The default is not to have a log file.
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-n' command line option. Possible values are positive integers greater than zero (encoded as ASCII digit strings). The default value is "15".
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-d' command line option. Possible values are positive integers greater than zero (encoded as ASCII digit strings). The default value is "2".
determines the style of output produced by AmpleParseFile. The possible values are "Ana" (for the normal standard output analysis file), "AResult" (for SGML output similar to that produced by AmpleParseText), and "Ptext" for SGML output according to the `ptext.dtd' document type definition). The default value is "Ana".
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-g' command line option. Possible values are "TRUE" (or "T") and "FALSE" (or "F"). The default value is "FALSE".
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-s' command line option. The value string is the name of a file containing the morphnames (or allomorphs) that are used for subsequent analyses. The default is not to use selective analysis, but to use every allomorph of every morpheme loaded from the dictionary file(s).
corresponds to the AMPLE program's `-t' command line option. Possible values are "OFF", "ON" (for normal AMPLE tracing), and "SGML" (for <AmpleTrace> tracing). The default value is "OFF". Note that the trace output is written to the log file, and may be mixed with other log output.

Note that the parameter names are not case sensitive, even though they are shown here in a mixture of uppercase and lowercase.

2.0.43 Return Value

a string indicating success or failure

2.0.44 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC2)(const char *,
                                       const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC2	pfAmpleSetParameter;
char *		pszResult;
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleSetParameter = (AMPLEFUNC2)GetProcAddress(hAmpleLib,
    if (pfAmpleSetParameter == NULL)
        MessageBox(0, "Cannot find AmpleSetParameter in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleSetParameter != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleSetParameter)("MaxTrieDepth", "3");
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib           = 0;
    pfAmpleSetParameter = NULL;

2.0.45 Source File



2.0.46 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleUpdateEntry(
                        const char * pszNewEntry_in)

2.0.47 Description

AmpleUpdateEntry updates an entry in the dictionary. The input string looks like an entry from the standard format dictionary file. The default values for the standard format markers are the lowercase characters for the internal codes described in the AMPLE reference manual. See section `Dictionary Files' in AMPLE Reference Manual.

2.0.48 Return Value a string indicating success or failure

2.0.49 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC1)(const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC1	pfAmpleUpdateEntry;
char *		pszResult;
char            szNewEntry[] = "\
\\m mateo\n\
\\t root\n\
\\c N0\n\
\\a mateo {Matthew_1}\n\
\\a mateu {Matthew_2}\n\
\\a matei {Matthew_3}\n\
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleUpdateEntry = (AMPLEFUNC1)GetProcAddress(hAmpleLib,
    if (pfAmpleUpdateEntry == NULL)
        MessageBox(0, "Cannot find AmpleUpdateEntry in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleUpdateEntry != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleUpdateEntry)(szNewEntry);
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib          = 0;
    pfAmpleUpdateEntry = NULL;

2.0.50 Source File



2.0.51 Syntax

DllExport char * AmpleWriteDictionary(
                        const char * pszOutputDictionary_in)

2.0.52 Description

AmpleWriteDictionary writes the dictionary to a standard format file. The standard format markers are based on the lowercase letters of the internal codes described in the AMPLE reference manual. See section Dictionary files in AMPLE Reference Manual.

2.0.53 Return Value a string indicating success or failure

2.0.54 Example

#include <windows.h>
typedef char * (CALLBACK * AMPLEFUNC1)(const char *);
HANDLE		hAmpleLib;
AMPLEFUNC1	pfAmpleWriteDictionary;
char *		pszResult;
char            szOutputDictionary[] = "updated.dic";
hAmpleLib = LoadLibrary("LLAMPLE.DLL");
if ((unsigned long)hAmpleLib < 32)
    MessageBox(0, "Error loading LLAMPLE.DLL", "App Name",
    hAmpleLib = 0;
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    pfAmpleWriteDictionary = (AMPLEFUNC1)GetProcAddress(hAmpleLib,
    if (pfAmpleWriteDictionary == NULL)
        MessageBox(0, "Cannot find AmpleWriteDictionary in LLAMPLE.DLL",
                   "App Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pfAmpleWriteDictionary != NULL)
    pszResult = (*pfAmpleWriteDictionary)(szOutputDictionary);
if (hAmpleLib != 0)
    hAmpleLib          = 0;
    pfAmpleWriteDictionary = NULL;

2.0.55 Source File


3. Error Message Strings

The following error message strings may be returned by the LinguaLinks AMPLE DLL functions. Most of these messages should be self explanatory.

<error code=badAnalysisDataFile>Error reading the analysis data file</error>
<error code=badDictCodeTableFile>Error reading the dictionary code table file</error>
<error code=badDictEntry>Error updating the dictionary</error>
<error code=badDictOrthoChangesFile>Error reading the dictionary orthography changes table file</error>
<error code=badDictionaryFile>Error reading the dictionary file</error>
<error code=badTextInputControlFile>Error reading the text input control file</error>
<error code=fatalCrash>AMPLE DLL has crashed badly!</error>
This indicates an extremely serious problem that would cause the AMPLE program to exit prematurely. Running out of memory would be a possible cause of this message.
<error code=invalidInputFilename>Cannot open file for input</error>
<error code=invalidOutputFilename>Cannot open file for output</error>
<error code=invalidParameterName>Parameter name not recognized</error>
This indicates an invalid argument to AmpleGetParameter or AmpleSetParameter.
<error code=invalidParameterValue>Bad parameter value string</error>
This indicates an invalid argument to AmpleSetParameter.
<error code=missingArgument>Required argument is empty</error>
<error code=none>Success</error>
This is not really an error message, but rather an indication that the function worked flawlessly.

This document was generated on 11 May 2000 using texi2html 1.55k.