PATR100 DLL Reference Manual

COM Interface for unification based parsing

based on PATR functions version 1.2.2

April 2000

by Stephen McConnel

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the AMPLE DLL

PC-PATR is an implementation for personal computers of the PATR-II computational linguistic formalism. The PATR-II formalism can be viewed as a computer language for encoding linguistic information. It does not presuppose any particular theory of syntax. It was originally developed by Stuart M. Shieber at Stanford University in the early 1980's. A PATR-II grammar consists of a set of rules and a lexicon. Each rule consists of a context-free phrase structure rule and a set of feature constraints, that is, unifications on the feature structures associated with the constituents of the phrase structure rules. The lexicon provides the items that can replace the terminal symbols of the phrase structure rules, that is, the words of the language together with their relevant features.

The PATR100 DLL is built with the processing functions used by PC-PATR and related programs. It has been developed with the goal of making it easier to use PATR-II style parsing as a component in Windows programs written in different programming languages such as C++ or Visual Basic.

PC-PATR (and thus this COM DLL) is still under development. The author would appreciate feedback directed to the following address:

Stephen McConnel                 (972)708-7361 (office)
Language Software Development    (972)708-7561 (fax)
SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236       
U.S.A.                        or

2. The PatrParser Interface

In order to facilitate using the PC-PATR functions from programming languages such as Visual Basic, a COM interface named IPatrParser has been written to encapsulate the essential PC-PATR functionality. This interface has the properties and methods described below.

2.1 The AmplePropertyIsFeature property

2.1.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT AmplePropertyIsFeature([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT AmplePropertyIsFeature([in] BOOL newVal);

2.1.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_AmplePropertyIsFeature(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_AmplePropertyIsFeature(BOOL newVal);

2.1.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether or not the values in the AMPLE analysis \p (property) field are to be interpreted as feature template names, the same as the values in the AMPLE analysis \fd (feature descriptor) field. If it is true, then the values in the AMPLE analysis \p field are interpreted as feature template names. If it is false, then the AMPLE analysis \p field is ignored except for adding it verbatim to the lexicon feature structure as an atomic feature value with the label "properties".

The AmplePropertyIsFeature property corresponds to the set property-is-feature command in the PCPATR program.

2.1.4 Default Value


2.1.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.1.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox AmplePropertyIsFeature 
      Caption         =   "Interpret AMPLE Properties as Features"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    AmplePropertyIsFeature.Value = m_patr.AmplePropertyIsFeature
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.AmplePropertyIsFeature = AmplePropertyIsFeature.Value
End Function

2.1.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.2 The CheckCycles property

2.2.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT CheckCycles([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT CheckCycles([in] BOOL newVal);

2.2.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_CheckCycles(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_CheckCycles(BOOL newVal);

2.2.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether or not feature structures are checked for cycles following unification. If it is true, then feature structures are checked. If it is false, then no check is performed.

It is a bad idea to set this property to false unless the grammer is known to never create cycles during parsing, even for failed parses.

The CheckCycles property corresponds to the set check-cycles command in the PCPATR program.

2.2.4 Default Value


2.2.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.2.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox CheckCycles 
      Caption         =   "Check Features for Cycles"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    CheckCycles.Value = m_patr.CheckCycles
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.CheckCycles = CheckCycles.Value
End Function

2.2.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.3 The Clear method

2.3.1 Interface description

HRESULT Clear();

2.3.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT Clear();

2.3.3 Description

This method frees all of the allocated memory, erasing any lexicon or grammar file that has been loaded.

The Clear method corresponds to the clear command in the PCPATR program.

2.3.4 Return Value


2.3.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu ClearCmd 
         Caption         =   "Clear"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub ClearCmd_Click()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Clear Failed"
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.3.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.4 The CloseLog method

2.4.1 Interface description

HRESULT CloseLog();

2.4.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT CloseLog();

2.4.3 Description

This method closes the open log file.

The CloseLog method corresponds to the close command in the PCPATR program.

2.4.4 Return Value

S_OK, or E_UNEXPECTED if a log file was not open

2.4.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu CloseLogCmd 
         Caption         =   "&Close Log"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub CloseLogCmd_Click()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    LogFile.Text = ""
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Closing Log File Failed"
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.4.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.5 The CodePage property

2.5.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT CodePage([out, retval] long * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT CodePage([in] long newVal);

2.5.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_CodePage(long * pVal);
HRESULT put_CodePage(long newVal);

2.5.3 Description

This integer property selects the code page used for converting between the 16-bit Unicode characters used in BSTRs (and XML) and the 8-bit multibyte characters used by the PCPATR functions and the grammar and lexicon files.

The CodePage property has no corresponding command in the PCPATR program. It is useful primarily for converting from the 8-bit characters used by the PCPATR functions and files into the 16-bit Unicode characters used by the BSTRs used by COM interface methods. It is also useful for designating the encoding in XML files produced by the PCPATR output functions.

2.5.4 Default Value

CP_ACP (the ANSI code page)

2.5.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.5.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox CodePage 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    Select Case m_patr.CodePage
        Case 0
            CodePage.Text = "ANSI"
        Case 1
            CodePage.Text = "OEM"
        Case 2
            CodePage.Text = "MAC"
        Case 42
            CodePage.Text = "SYMBOL"
        Case 65000
            CodePage.Text = "UTF7"
        Case 65001
            CodePage.Text = "UTF8"
        Case Else
            CodePage.Text = m_patr.CodePage
    End Select
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    If CodePage.Text = "ANSI" Then
        m_patr.CodePage = 0
    ElseIf CodePage.Text = "OEM" Then
        m_patr.CodePage = 1
    ElseIf CodePage.Text = "MAC" Then
        m_patr.CodePage = 2
    ElseIf CodePage.Text = "SYMBOL" Then
        m_patr.CodePage = 42
    ElseIf CodePage.Text = "UTF7" Then
        m_patr.CodePage = 65000
    ElseIf CodePage.Text = "UTF8" Then
        m_patr.CodePage = 65001
        m_patr.CodePage = CodePage.Text
    End If
End Function

2.5.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.6 The CommentChar property

2.6.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT CommentChar([out, retval] long * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT CommentChar([in] long newVal);

2.6.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_CommentChar(long * pVal);
HRESULT put_CommentChar(long newVal);

2.6.3 Description

This integer property selects the 8-bit character used to mark the beginning of comments in the grammar and lexicon files. If newVal is 0, then no comments are allowed in the grammar and lexicon files.

The CommentChar property corresponds to the set comment command in the PCPATR program.

2.6.4 Default Value

the semicolon character (;)

2.6.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.6.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox CommentChar 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    CommentChar.Text = Chr(m_patr.CommentChar)
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.CommentChar = Asc(CommentChar.Text)
End Function

2.6.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.7 The DebuggingLevel property

2.7.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT DebuggingLevel([out, retval] long * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT DebuggingLevel([in] long newVal);

2.7.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_DebuggingLevel(long * pVal);
HRESULT put_DebuggingLevel(long newVal);

2.7.3 Description

This integer property selects the level of debugging output written to the log file.

This property is of use primarily to the programmer maintaining PCPATR. It corresponds to the virtually undocumented -/ command line option.

2.7.4 Default Value


2.7.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.7.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox DebugLevel 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    DebugLevel.Text = m_patr.DebuggingLevel
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.DebuggingLevel = DebugLevel.Text
End Function

2.7.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.8 The DisambiguateAnaFile method

2.8.1 Interface description

HRESULT DisambiguateAnaFile([in] BSTR bstrInput, [in] BSTR bstrOutput);

2.8.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT DisambiguateAnaFile(BSTR bstrInput, BSTR bstrOutput);

2.8.3 Description

This method disambiguates word analyses in an AMPLE analysis file by applying a syntactice parse to the sentences in the analysis file. It reads the file given by bstrInput, and writes a new AMPLE analysis file given by bstrOutput.

2.8.4 Return Value S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, E_FAIL, or another appropriate COM error code

2.8.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog AnaDlg
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog AnbDlg 
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu DisambigFileCmd 
         Caption         =   "&Disambiguate File..."
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    AnaDlg.Filter = "AMPLE ANA files|*.ana"
    AnaDlg.CancelError = True
    AnbDlg.Filter = "Disam ANA files|*.anb"
    AnbDlg.CancelError = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub DisambigFileCmd_Click()
    If Not IsReadyToParse Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not DoSettings Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo Cancelled
    On Error GoTo Failed
    m_patr.DisambiguateAnaFile AnaDlg.FileName, AnbDlg.FileName
    MsgBox "Done parsing " & AnaDlg.FileName
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Parsing " & AnaDlg.FileName & " into " &
        AnbDlg.FileName & " Failed"
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.8.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.9 The DisplayFeatures property

2.9.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT DisplayFeatures([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT DisplayFeatures([in] BOOL newVal);

2.9.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_DisplayFeatures(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_DisplayFeatures(BOOL newVal);

2.9.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether or not any feature structures are displayed in the parse output. If it is true, then one or more features structures are displayed, with the exact details controlled by the FlatFeatureDisplay, TopFeatureOnly, and TrimEmptyFeatures properties. If DisplayFeatures is false, then no features are displayed in parse output.

The DisplayFeatures property corresponds to the set features on and set features off commands in the PCPATR program.

2.9.4 Default Value


2.9.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.9.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.Frame Frame1 
      Begin VB.OptionButton FeaturesOn 
         Caption         =   "On"
      Begin VB.OptionButton FeaturesOff 
         Caption         =   "Off"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    If m_patr.DisplayFeatures Then
        FeaturesOn.Value = True
        FeaturesOff.Value = True
    End If
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.DisplayFeatures = FeaturesOn.Value
End Function

2.9.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.10 The Failures property

2.10.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT Failures([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT Failures([in] BOOL newVal);

2.10.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_Failures(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_Failures(BOOL newVal);

2.10.3 Description

This Boolean property controls how the PCPATR parse functions deal with sentences that fail to parse. If it is true, then an attempt is made to produce partial results in a three stage process:

  1. If unification is on, turn it off, try again to parse the sentence, and turn unification back on.
  2. If the preceding step does not produce any results, and top-down filtering is on, turn off top-down filtering, try again to parse the sentence, and turn top-down filtering back on.
  3. If the preceding steps have not produced any results, call a special function to link the partial results stored in the parse chart together for display as a set of (possibly intersecting) parse "bushes".

If any sort of partial result is obtained by these steps, then that partial result will be returned by the parse method, along with a parse failure indication.

The Failures property corresponds to the set failures command in the PCPATR program.

2.10.4 Default Value


2.10.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.10.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox PartialResults 
      Caption         =   "Partial Results for Failures"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    PartialResults.Value = m_patr.Failures
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.Failures = PartialResults.Value
End Function

2.10.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.11 The FlatFeatureDisplay property

2.11.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT FlatFeatureDisplay([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT FlatFeatureDisplay([in] BOOL newVal);

2.11.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_FlatFeatureDisplay(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_FlatFeatureDisplay(BOOL newVal);

2.11.3 Description

This Boolean property controls how feature structures are displayed (if DisplayFeatures is true). If it is true, then each parse node feature is written as a flat bracketed string, with open and close brackets marking the boundaries of complex features. This format requires the least amount of space on the screen or in a file. If FlatFeaturesDisplay is false, then each parse node feature is written as a bracketed string, with open and close brackets marking the boundaries of complex features, and with newlines and spaces used to line up the labels of internal features in a column for embedded features. This works best for short labels and fixed width fonts.

Note that while the DisplayFeatures property is false, this property has no effect on the parse output.

The FlatFeatureDisplay property corresponds to the set features flat and set features full commands in the PCPATR program.

2.11.4 Default Value


2.11.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.11.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox FlatFeatures 
      Caption         =   "Flat Feature Format"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    FlatFeatures.Value = m_patr.FlatFeatureDisplay
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.FlatFeatureDisplay = FlatFeatures.Value
End Function

2.11.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.12 The Gloss property

2.12.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT Gloss([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT Gloss([in] BOOL newVal);

2.12.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_Gloss(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_Gloss(BOOL newVal);

2.12.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether glosses are displayed in the parse tree output in addition to the lexical forms for the leaf nodes of the parse tree. If the lexicon does not contain any glosses, this property has no effect. If Gloss is true, then glosses are displayed in parse trees (if the lexicon contains glosses). If Gloss is false, then glosses are not displayed in parse trees even if they exist in the lexicon. Note that feature structures associated with leaf nodes in the parse tree will contain any glosses found in the lexicon regardless of the value of this property.

The Gloss property corresponds to the set gloss command in the PCPATR program.

2.12.4 Default Value


2.12.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.12.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox EnableGlosses 
      Caption         =   "Enable Display of Glosses"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    EnableGlosses.Value = m_patr.Gloss
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.Gloss = EnableGlosses.Value
End Function

2.12.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.13 The GrammarFile property

2.13.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT GrammarFile([out, retval] BSTR * pVal);

2.13.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_GrammarFile(BSTR * pVal);

2.13.3 Description

This string property contains the name of the grammar file most recently loaded by a LoadGrammarFile method. If LoadGrammarFile has never been called, or if Clear has been called since LoadGrammarFile, then this property is set to NULL.

The GrammarFile property corresponds to part of the status command in the PCPATR program.

2.13.4 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.13.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox GrammarFile 
      Enabled         =   0   'False
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    GrammarFile.Text = m_patr.GrammarFile
End Sub

2.13.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.14 The LexCategoryMarker property

2.14.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT LexCategoryMarker([out, retval] BSTR * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT LexCategoryMarker([in] BSTR newVal);

2.14.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_LexCategoryMarker(BSTR * pVal);
HRESULT put_LexCategoryMarker(BSTR newVal);

2.14.3 Description

This string property contains the standard format marker used to indicate the syntactic category field of lexicon entries. The "category" is what connect the lexicon entry to the grammar rules. It is copied to the word's lexical feature structure as the embedded cat feature.

The LexCategoryMarker property corresponds to the set marker category command in the PCPATR program.

2.14.4 Default Value

\c (C string would be "\\c")

2.14.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.14.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox CategoryMarker 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    CategoryMarker.Text = m_patr.LexCategoryMarker
End Sub
Private Function SetLexMarkers() As Boolean
    SetLexMarkers = False
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If (CategoryMarker.Text = "") Or (CategoryMarker.Text = "\") Then
        MsgBox "The Category marker must be set before loading the lexicon"
        Exit Function
    End If
    m_patr.LexCategoryMarker = CategoryMarker.Text
    SetLexMarkers = True
    Exit Function
    Exit Function
End Function

2.14.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.15 The LexFeaturesMarker property

2.15.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT LexFeaturesMarker([out, retval] BSTR * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT LexFeaturesMarker([in] BSTR newVal);

2.15.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_LexFeaturesMarker(BSTR * pVal);
HRESULT put_LexFeaturesMarker(BSTR newVal);

2.15.3 Description

This string property contains the standard format marker used to indicate the features field of lexicon entries. The content of this field is usually a set of names of feature templates (or lexical rules) defined in the grammar file.

The LexFeaturesMarker property corresponds to the set marker features command in the PCPATR program.

2.15.4 Default Value

\f (C string would be "\\f")

2.15.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.15.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox FeatureMarker 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    FeatureMarker.Text = m_patr.LexFeaturesMarker
End Sub
Private Function SetLexMarkers() As Boolean
    SetLexMarkers = False
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If (FeatureMarker.Text = "") Or (FeatureMarker.Text = "\") Then
        MsgBox "The Feature marker must be set before loading the lexicon"
        Exit Function
    End If
    m_patr.LexFeaturesMarker = FeatureMarker.Text
    SetLexMarkers = True
    Exit Function
    Exit Function
End Function

2.15.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.16 The LexGlossMarker property

2.16.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT LexGlossMarker([out, retval] BSTR * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT LexGlossMarker([in] BSTR newVal);

2.16.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_LexGlossMarker(BSTR * pVal);
HRESULT put_LexGlossMarker(BSTR newVal);

2.16.3 Description

This string property contains the standard format marker used to indicate the gloss field of lexicon entries. The content of this field is copied to the word's lexical feature structure as the embedded gloss feature.

The LexGlossMarker property corresponds to the set marker gloss command in the PCPATR program.

2.16.4 Default Value

\g (C string would be "\\g")

2.16.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.16.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox GlossMarker 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    GlossMarker.Text = m_patr.LexGlossMarker
End Sub
Private Function SetLexMarkers() As Boolean
    SetLexMarkers = False
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If (GlossMarker.Text = "") Or (GlossMarker.Text = "\") Then
        MsgBox "The Gloss marker must be set before loading the lexicon"
        Exit Function
    End If
    m_patr.LexGlossMarker = GlossMarker.Text
    SetLexMarkers = True
    Exit Function
    Exit Function
End Function

2.16.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.17 The LexiconFile property

2.17.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT LexiconFile([in] long iFile, [out, retval] BSTR * pVal);

2.17.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_LexiconFile(long iFile, BSTR * pVal);

2.17.3 Description

This string property contains the name of one of the lexicon files most recently loaded by a LoadLexiconFile method. If LoadLexiconFile has never been called, or if Clear has been called since LoadLexiconFile, then this property is set to NULL. This property is also set to NULL if iFile is outside the range (0, LexiconFileCount - 1).

The LexiconFile property corresponds to part of the status command in the PCPATR program.

2.17.4 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.17.5 Visual Basic Example

' TODO: write an example retrieving multiple lexicon filenames.
Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox LexiconFile 
      Enabled         =   0   'False
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    LexiconFile.Text = m_patr.LexiconFile(0)
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
End Function

2.17.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.18 The LexiconFileCount property

2.18.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT LexiconFileCount([out, retval] long * pVal);

2.18.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_LexiconFileCount(long * pVal);

2.18.3 Description

This integer property contains the number of lexicon files that are currently loaded. It is always greater than or equal to zero.

2.18.4 Return Value S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.18.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.Label LexFileCnt
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    LexFileCnt.Caption = m_patr.LexiconFileCount & "Lexicon Files"
End Sub

2.18.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.19 The LexRecordMarker property

2.19.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT LexRecordMarker([out, retval] BSTR * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT LexRecordMarker([in] BSTR newVal);

2.19.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_LexRecordMarker(BSTR * pVal);
HRESULT put_LexRecordMarker(BSTR newVal);

2.19.3 Description

This string property contains the standard format marker used to indicate the beginning of each entry in the lexicon file. It may be the same as one of the other lexicon marker properties.

The LexRecordMarker property corresponds to the set marker record command in the PCPATR program.

2.19.4 Default Value

\w (C string would be "\\w")

2.19.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.19.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox RecordMarker 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    RecordMarker.Text = m_patr.LexRecordMarker
End Sub
Private Function SetLexMarkers() As Boolean
    SetLexMarkers = False
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If (RecordMarker.Text = "") Or (RecordMarker.Text = "\") Then
        MsgBox "The Record marker must be set before loading the lexicon"
        Exit Function
    End If
    m_patr.LexRecordMarker = RecordMarker.Text
    SetLexMarkers = True
    Exit Function
    Exit Function
End Function

2.19.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.20 The LexWordMarker property

2.20.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT LexWordMarker([out, retval] BSTR * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT LexWordMarker([in] BSTR newVal);

2.20.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_LexWordMarker(BSTR * pVal);
HRESULT put_LexWordMarker(BSTR newVal);

2.20.3 Description

This string property contains the standard format marker used to indicate the word field of lexicon entries. The content of this field is copied to the word's lexical feature structure as the embedded lex feature.

The LexWordMarker property corresponds to the set marker word command in the PCPATR program.

2.20.4 Default Value

\w (C string would be "\\w")

2.20.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.20.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox WordMarker 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    WordMarker.Text = m_patr.LexWordMarker
End Sub
Private Function SetLexMarkers() As Boolean
    SetLexMarkers = False
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If (WordMarker.Text = "") Or (WordMarker.Text = "\") Then
        MsgBox "The Word marker must be set before loading the lexicon"
        Exit Function
    End If
    m_patr.LexWordMarker = WordMarker.Text
    SetLexMarkers = True
    Exit Function
    Exit Function
End Function

2.20.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.21 The LoadAnaFile method

2.21.1 Interface description

HRESULT LoadAnaFile([in] BSTR bstrAnaFile, [in] BOOL fAdd);

2.21.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT LoadAnaFile(BSTR bstrAnaFile, BOOL fAdd);

2.21.3 Description

This method loads an AMPLE analysis file as a lexicon file.

2.21.4 Return Value S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.21.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog AnaDlg 
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu LoadLexiconCmd 
         Caption         =   "Load &Ana file..."
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    AnaDlg.Filter = "AMPLE Analysis Files|*.ana"
    AnaDlg.CancelError = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub LoadLexiconCmd_Click()
    If Not SetLexMarkers Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not DoSettings Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo Cancelled
    On Error GoTo Failed
    m_patr.LoadAnaFile AnaDlg.FileName, False
    LexiconFile.Text = AnaDlg.FileName
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Loading " & AnaDlg.FileName & " Failed"
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.21.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.22 The LoadGrammarFile method

2.22.1 Interface description

HRESULT LoadGrammarFile([in] BSTR bstrGrammarFile);

2.22.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT LoadGrammarFile(BSTR bstrGrammarFile);

2.22.3 Description

This method loads a PCPATR grammar file into memory, first erasing any grammar that had been previously loaded.

The LoadGrammarFile method corresponds to the load grammar command in the PCPATR program.

2.22.4 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.22.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog GrmDlg 
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu LoadGrammarCmd 
         Caption         =   "Load &Grammar..."
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    GrmDlg.Filter = "PC-PATR Grammar Files|*.grm"
    GrmDlg.CancelError = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub LoadGrammarCmd_Click()
    If Not DoSettings Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo Cancelled
    On Error GoTo Failed
    m_patr.LoadGrammarFile GrmDlg.FileName
    GrammarFile.Text = GrmDlg.FileName
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Loading " & GrmDlg.FileName & " Failed"
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.22.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.23 The LoadLexiconFile method

2.23.1 Interface description

HRESULT LoadLexiconFile([in] BSTR bstrLexiconFile, [in] BOOL fAdd);

2.23.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT LoadLexiconFile(BSTR bstrLexiconFile, BOOL fAdd);

2.23.3 Description

This method loads a PCPATR lexicon file into memory, first erasing any lexicon that had been previously loaded unless fAdd is True. If fAdd is True, then bstrLexiconFile must not have already been loaded.

The LoadLexiconFile method corresponds to the load lexicon command in the PCPATR program.

2.23.4 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.23.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog LexDlg 
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu LoadLexiconCmd 
         Caption         =   "Load &Lexicon..."
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    LexDlg.Filter = "PC-PATR Lexicon Files|*.lex"
    LexDlg.CancelError = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub LoadLexiconCmd_Click()
    If Not SetLexMarkers Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not DoSettings Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo Cancelled
    On Error GoTo Failed
    m_patr.LoadLexiconFile LexDlg.FileName, False
    LexiconFile.Text = LexDlg.FileName
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Loading " & LexDlg.FileName & " Failed"
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.23.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.24 The LogFile property

2.24.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT LogFile([out, retval] BSTR * pVal);

2.24.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_LogFile(BSTR * pVal);

2.24.3 Description

This string property contains the name of the currently open log file, if there is one. If no log file is currently open, then this property is set to NULL.

The LogFile property corresponds to part of the status command in the PCPATR program.

2.24.4 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.24.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox LogFile 
      Enabled         =   0   'False
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    LogFile.Text = m_patr.LogFile
End Sub

2.24.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.25 The MaxAmbiguity property

2.25.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT MaxAmbiguity([out, retval] long * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT MaxAmbiguity([in] long newVal);

2.25.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_MaxAmbiguity(long * pVal);
HRESULT put_MaxAmbiguity(long newVal);

2.25.3 Description

This integer property specifies the maximum number of parses displayed for an ambiguous parse. This can be critical because the number of parses for long sentences can run into the thousands, especially in the early stages of developing a grammar.

The MaxAmbiguity property corresponds to the set ambiguities command in the PCPATR program.

2.25.4 Default Value


2.25.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.25.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox MaxAmbiguity 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    MaxAmbiguity.Text = m_patr.MaxAmbiguity
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.MaxAmbiguity = MaxAmbiguity.Text
End Function

2.25.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.26 The OpenLog method

2.26.1 Interface description

HRESULT OpenLog([in] BSTR bstrLogFile);

2.26.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT OpenLog(BSTR bstrLogFile);

2.26.3 Description

This method opens a log file after first closing any previously opened log file. The log file receives various error messages and other information produced by the load and parse methods which would otherwise go unreported. If a file of the same name already exists, it is replaced by the new log file.

The OpenLog method corresponds to the log command in the PCPATR program.

2.26.4 Return Value S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.26.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog LogDlg 
   Begin VB.TextBox LogFile 
      Enabled         =   0   'False
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu OpenLogCmd 
         Caption         =   "&Open Log"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    LogDlg.Filter = "PC-PATR Log Files|*.log"
    LogDlg.CancelError = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub OpenLogCmd_Click()
    On Error GoTo Cancelled
    On Error GoTo Failed
    m_patr.OpenLog LogDlg.FileName
    LogFile.Text = LogDlg.FileName
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Opening Log File " & LogDlg.FileName & " Failed"
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.26.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.27 The ParseFile method

2.27.1 Interface description

HRESULT ParseFile([in] BSTR bstrInput, [in] BSTR bstrOutput);

2.27.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT ParseFile(BSTR bstrInput, BSTR bstrOutput);

2.27.3 Description

This method reads sentences from a file and writes the resulting parses to another file. Each line of the input file represents a separate "sentence", and punctuation and sentence capitalization should not be used. Proper names should be capitalized the same way they are in the lexicon.

Actually, punctuation can be used if three conditions are met:

  1. Punctuation "categories" are used in the grammar rules.
  2. Punctuation characters and their "categories" are listed in the lexicon.
  3. Punctuation characters are separated by spaces from words and from each other in the input sentences.

Constructs which use a specific punctuation character such as an apostrophe (English possessives and contractions) must be handled differently, possibly by a preprocessor step that splits contractions into multiple words as needed.

[NOTE: PCPATR can handle having a phrase as a single entry (category) in the lexicon. Can it also handle a contraction representing two or more consecutive syntactic categories? Should it?]

The ParseFile method corresponds to the file parse command in the PCPATR program.

2.27.4 Return Value S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

Note that the return value does not depend on whether or not any of the sentences successfully parses.

2.27.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog SenDlg 
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog ParDlg 
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu ParseFileCmd 
         Caption         =   "&Parse File..."
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    SenDlg.Filter = "Sentence files|*.sen"
    SenDlg.CancelError = True
    ParDlg.Filter = "Parse output files|*.par"
    ParDlg.CancelError = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub ParseFileCmd_Click()
    If Not IsReadyToParse Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not DoSettings Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo Cancelled
    On Error GoTo Failed
    m_patr.ParseFile SenDlg.FileName, ParDlg.FileName
    MsgBox "Done parsing " & SenDlg.FileName
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Parsing " & SenDlg.FileName & " into " &
        ParDlg.FileName & " Failed"
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.27.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.28 The ParseString method

2.28.1 Interface description

HRESULT ParseString(
    [in] BSTR bstrSentence,
    [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrParse);

2.28.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT ParseString(BSTR bstrSentence, BSTR * pbstrParse);

2.28.3 Description

This method parses the input sentence and produces a string containing the parse results. Punctuation and sentence capitalization should not be used in the input sentence. Proper names should be capitalized the same way they are in the lexicon.

Actually, punctuation can be used if three conditions are met:

  1. Punctuation "categories" are used in the grammar rules.
  2. Punctuation characters and their "categories" are listed in the lexicon.
  3. Punctuation characters are separated by spaces from words and from each other in the input sentence.

Constructs which use a specific punctuation character such as an apostrophe (English possessives and contractions) must be handled differently, possibly by a preprocessor step that splits contractions into multiple words as needed.

[NOTE: PCPATR can handle having a phrase as a single entry (category) in the lexicon. Can it also handle a contraction representing two or more consecutive syntactic categories? Should it?]

The ParseString method corresponds to the parse command in the PCPATR program.

2.28.4 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.28.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CommandButton ParseButton 
      Caption         =   "Parse"
   Begin VB.TextBox Sentence 
   Begin RichTextLib.RichTextBox SentenceParse 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    Sentence.Text = ""
    SentenceParse.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub ParseButton_Click()
    If Not IsReadyToParse Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not DoSettings Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Sentence.Text = "" Then
        MsgBox "Must enter sentence before parsing it!"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo Failed
    SentenceParse.Text = m_patr.ParseString(Sentence.Text)
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Parsing sentence failed"
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.28.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.29 The PromoteDefaultAtoms property

2.29.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT PromoteDefaultAtoms([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT PromoteDefaultAtoms([in] BOOL newVal);

2.29.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_PromoteDefaultAtoms(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_PromoteDefaultAtoms(BOOL newVal);

2.29.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether default atomic feature values loaded from the lexicon are "promoted" to ordinary atomic feature values before parsing. If this property is true, then default atomic values are changed to atomic values before parsing; otherwise, they remain marked as default atomic values. (This can affect feature unification since a conflicting default value does not cause a failure: the default value merely disappears.)

The PromoteDefaultAtoms property corresponds to the set promote-defaults command in the PCPATR program.

2.29.4 Default Value


2.29.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.29.6 Visual Basic Example

' TODO: write an example

2.29.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.30 The ReloadLexicon method

2.30.1 Interface description

HRESULT ReloadLexicon();

2.30.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT ReloadLexicon();

2.30.3 Description

This method clears the lexicon from memory, and reloads the current set of lexicon files. If any of the files fails to load, it is removed from the list of loaded files. Only if none of the files loads successfully is an error returned. If no lexicon files are currently loaded, the function returns immediately, reporting success.

2.30.4 Return Value S_OK, or an appropriate COM error code

2.30.5 Visual Basic Example

// TODO: write an example

2.30.6 C++ Example

#include "PatrParser.h"
PatrParser * patr;
HRESULT hr = patr->ReloadLexicon();
if (FAILED(hr))

2.31 The SentenceFinalPunctuation property

2.31.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT SentenceFinalPunctuation([out, retval] BSTR * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT SentenceFinalPunctuation([in] BSTR newVal);

2.31.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_SentenceFinalPunctuation(BSTR * pVal);
HRESULT put_SentenceFinalPunctuation(BSTR newVal);

2.31.3 Description

This string property specifies the set of (possibly muligraph) characters that can terminate a sentence in the \n fields of input AMPLE analysis files. It affects only the DisambiguateAnaFile method.

The SentenceFinalPunctuation property corresponds to the set final-punctuation command in the PCPATR program.

2.31.4 Default Value

. ? ! : ; (standard English punctuation for marking clauses)

2.31.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.31.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox SentencePunc 
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog AnaDlg
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog AnbDlg 
   Begin VB.Menu FileMenu 
      Caption         =   "&File"
      Begin VB.Menu DisambigFileCmd 
         Caption         =   "&Disambiguate File..."
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    SentencePunc.Text = m_patr.SentenceFinalPunctuation
End Sub
Private Sub DisambigFileCmd_Click()
    If Not IsReadyToParse Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not DoSettings Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo Cancelled
    On Error GoTo Failed
    m_patr.SentenceFinalPunctuation = SentencePunc.Text
    m_patr.DisambiguateAnaFile AnaDlg.FileName, AnbDlg.FileName
    MsgBox "Done parsing " & AnaDlg.FileName
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Parsing " & AnaDlg.FileName & " into " &
        AnbDlg.FileName & " Failed"
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

2.31.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.32 The TimeLimit property

2.32.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT TimeLimit([out, retval] long * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT TimeLimit([in] long newVal);

2.32.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_TimeLimit(long * pVal);
HRESULT put_TimeLimit(long newVal);

2.32.3 Description

This integer property specifies the maximum number of seconds that a parse is allowed to take. A value of 0 means that no time limit is imposed.

NOTE: this is still experimental. The program may crash some time after terminating a parse due to exceeding the time limit. (Don't say I didn't warn you!)

The TimeLimit property corresponds to the set limit command in the PCPATR program.

2.32.4 Default Value

0 (no limit)

2.32.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.32.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.TextBox TimeLimit 
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    Dim limit As Integer
    limit = m_patr.TimeLimit
    If limit = 0 Then
        TimeLimit.Text = "(no limit)"
        TimeLimit.Text = limit
    End If
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    If TimeLimit.Text = "(no limit)" Then
        m_patr.TimeLimit = 0
        m_patr.TimeLimit = TimeLimit.Text
    End If
End Function

2.32.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.33 The TopDownFilter property

2.33.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT TopDownFilter([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT TopDownFilter([in] BOOL newVal);

2.33.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_TopDownFilter(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_TopDownFilter(BOOL newVal);

2.33.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether top-down filtering is imposed on the chart parser. If this property is true, then top-down filtering is used; otherwise, top-down filtering is not used.

Top-down filtering speeds up parsing by ruling out obviously invalid parses earlier in the process. However, it may possibly rule out valid parses as well in rare cases. This is not a problem for most grammars.

The TopDOwnFilter property corresponds to the set top-down-filter command in the PCPATR program.

2.33.4 Default Value


2.33.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.33.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox TopDownFilter 
      Caption         =   "Enable Top Down Filtering"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    TopDownFilter.Value = m_patr.TopDownFilter
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.TopDownFilter = TopDownFilter.Value
End Function

2.33.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.34 The TopFeatureOnly property

2.34.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT TopFeatureOnly([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT TopFeatureOnly([in] BOOL newVal);

2.34.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_TopFeatureOnly(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_TopFeatureOnly(BOOL newVal);

2.34.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether features structures are displayed for all nodes of a parse tree, or only for the top node. If it is true, then only the feature structure for the top node in the parse tree is displayed. If it is false, then the feature structures for all nodes in the parse tree are displayed.

Note that while the DisplayFeatures property is false, this property has no effect on the parse output.

The TopFeatureOnly property corresponds to the set features top and set features all commands in the PCPATR program.

2.34.4 Default Value


2.34.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.34.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox TopFeatureOnly 
      Caption         =   "Top Feature Only"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    TopFeatureOnly.Value = m_patr.TopFeatureOnly
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.TopFeatureOnly = TopFeatureOnly.Value
End Function

2.34.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.35 The TreeDisplay property

2.35.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT TreeDisplay([out, retval] long * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT TreeDisplay([in] long newVal);

2.35.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_TreeDisplay(long * pVal);
HRESULT put_TreeDisplay(long newVal);

2.35.3 Description

This integer property controls the format of the parse trees displayed in the parse output. It can take one of these values:

No parse tree is displayed.
The parse tree is displayed as a parenthesized list, similar to how LISP would represent a tree.
The parse tree is displayed as a tree using ASCII characters to draw the branches, and depending on using a fixed width font to look reasonable.
The parse tree is displayed as an indented list with each node on a separate line, similar to an outline.
The parse tree is displayed in XML format, with the feature structure for each node included with the node rather than being displayed separately. This is the least readable form for humans, but the most tractable for computer programs to parse for displaying results graphically. (This setting overrides any properties that control the display of feature structures.)

The TreeDisplay property corresponds to the set tree command in the PCPATR program.

2.35.4 Default Value

2 (full ASCII tree)

2.35.5 Return Value

S_OK, or one of these COM error codes:

2.35.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.Frame Frame2 
      Begin VB.OptionButton ParseTreeXML 
         Caption         =   "XML"
      Begin VB.OptionButton ParseTreeIndented 
         Caption         =   "Indented"
      Begin VB.OptionButton ParseTreeFlat 
         Caption         =   "Flat"
      Begin VB.OptionButton ParseTreeFull 
         Caption         =   "Full"
      Begin VB.OptionButton ParseDisplayOff 
         Caption         =   "Off"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    Select Case m_patr.TreeDisplay
        Case 0
            ParseDisplayOff.Value = True
        Case 1
            ParseTreeFlat.Value = True
        Case 2
            ParseTreeFull.Value = True
        Case 3
            ParseTreeIndented.Value = True
        Case 4
            ParseTreeXML.Value = True
        Case Else
            ' actually an error, but ...
            ParseTreeFull.Value = True
            m_patr.TreeDisplay = 2
    End Select
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    If ParseDisplayOff.Value Then
        m_patr.TreeDisplay = 0
    ElseIf ParseTreeFlat.Value Then
        m_patr.TreeDisplay = 1
    ElseIf ParseTreeFull.Value Then
        m_patr.TreeDisplay = 2
    ElseIf ParseTreeIndented.Value Then
        m_patr.TreeDisplay = 3
    ElseIf ParseTreeXML.Value Then
        m_patr.TreeDisplay = 4
        ' should never happen
        m_patr.TreeDisplay = 2
    End If
End Function

2.35.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.36 The TrimEmptyFeatures property

2.36.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT TrimEmptyFeatures([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT TrimEmptyFeatures([in] BOOL newVal);

2.36.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_TrimEmptyFeatures(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_TrimEmptyFeatures(BOOL newVal);

2.36.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether feature structures with null values are displayed. If it is true, then feature structures that are null are not displayed, and if they have a label as part of a complex feature structure, their label is not displayed either. If it is false, then null feature structures are displayed as [] in the parse output.

Note that while the DisplayFeatures property is false, this property has no effect on the parse output.

The TrimEmptyFeatures property corresponds to the set trim-empty-features command in the PCPATR program.

2.36.4 Default Value


2.36.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.36.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox TrimEmptyFeatures 
      Caption         =   "Trim Empty Features"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    TrimEmptyFeatures.Value = m_patr.TrimEmptyFeatures
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.TrimEmptyFeatures = TrimEmptyFeatures.Value
End Function

2.36.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.37 The Unification property

2.37.1 Interface description

[propget] HRESULT Unification([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
[propput] HRESULT Unification([in] BOOL newVal);

2.37.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_Unification(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_Unification(BOOL newVal);

2.37.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether feature unification failures affect the parse process. If it is true, then a unification failure causes a parse failure. If it is false, then a unification failure is noted, but does not otherwise affect the parse.

Note that this property does not control whether feature unification is performed: it controls only whether the result of the unification affects the parse process.

The Unification property corresponds to the set unification command in the PCPATR program.

2.37.4 Default Value


2.37.5 Return Value

S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.37.6 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox EnableUnification 
      Caption         =   "Enable Unification"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    EnableUnification.Value = m_patr.Unification
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.Unification = EnableUnification.Value
End Function

2.37.7 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

2.38 The WriteAmpleParses property

2.38.1 Interface description

HRESULT WriteAmpleParses([out, retval] BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT WriteAmpleParses([in] BOOL newVal);

2.38.2 C++ prototypes

HRESULT get_WriteAmpleParses(BOOL * pVal);
HRESULT put_WriteAmpleParses(BOOL newVal);

2.38.3 Description

This Boolean property controls whether syntactic parse trees are written to the disambiguated AMPLE analysis file created by a call to the DisambiguateAnaFile method.

2.38.4 Return Value S_OK, or E_POINTER if pVal is NULL

2.38.5 Visual Basic Example

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Begin VB.CheckBox WriteParses
      Caption         =   "Write Parses of AMPLE Sentences"
Dim m_patr As PatrParser
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Failed
    If m_patr Is Nothing Then
        Set m_patr = New PatrParser
    End If
    Call resetdialogbox
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unexpected error while initializing"
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub resetdialogbox()
    WriteParses.Value = m_patr.WriteAmpleParses
End Sub
Private Function DoSettings() As Boolean
    m_patr.WriteAmpleParses = WriteParses.Value
End Function

2.38.6 C++ Example

// TODO: write an example

3. Error Message Strings


This document was generated on 11 May 2000 using texi2html 1.55k.