A Constraint-Guided Web Walker for Specialized Activities

John C. Mallery, Andrew J. Blumberg, Christopher R.Vincent
Intelligent Information Infrastructure Project
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Dynamic Objects Workshop during the Dynamic Objects Event at Object World East, May 5-6, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts.

  1. A Constraint-Guided Web Walker for Specialized Activities
  2. Overview
  3. Constraint-Guided Applications
  4. Form to Invoke Web Mapper
  5. Results of Web Mapper
  6. Defining An Activity
  7. Activities
  8. Defining An Action
  9. Actions
  10. Selected Actions
  11. Defining a Constraint
  12. Constraints
  13. Selected Constraints
  14. Constraint Posting Architecture
  15. Apply Constraints
  16. Computational Complexity
  17. Future Work
  18. Related Work
  19. Conclusions