Research Projects NTT-MIT Research Collaboration: a partnership in the future of communication and computation

Research in Cryptography and Information Security


Start date: 07/98

Shafi Goldwasser, Ronald L. Rivest and Mike Sipser

Tatsuaki Okamoto

Project summary

This project explores techniques for secure computation and communication based on cryptography.

Project description


The Cryptography and Information Security group is devoted to developing techniques for secure computation and communication, based primarily on cryptography. Recent NTT-sponsored research has focussed on the following topics (among others):

  • secure electronic voting
  • probabilistic property testing
  • group signature schemes
  • pseudonym systems
  • derandomization techniques
  • protocols secure against resettable adversaries

The emphasis of our reseach which is expressed in our work on each of the above topics is on the development of novel frameworks and theoretical provably secure solutions to problems arising from applications.

Demos, movies and other examples

We have designed an electronic voting scheme based on the paper, "A practical secret voting scheme for large scale elections", by Atsushi Fujioka, Tatsuaki Okamoto, and Kazuo Ohta (Proceedings AUSCRYPT '92, 1993, 244-251). The full web-based, java implementation protocol is listed (and available for downloading) here.

The principal investigators

Presentations and posters


Proposals and progress reports


NTT Bi-Annual Progress Report, July to December 1998:

NTT Bi-Annual Progress Report, January to June 1999:

NTT Bi-Annual Progress Report, July to December 1999:

NTT Bi-Annual Progress Report, January to June 2000:

NTT Bi-Annual Progress Report, June to December 2000:

NTT Bi-Annual Progress Report, January to June 2001:

NTT Bi-Annual Progress Report, July to December 2001:

NTT Bi-Annual Progress Report, January to June 2002:

For more information