
Netscape and 304 response code bug under ACL/Unix

I tried out Rainer's/Hallvard's patch with the ACL/Unix version.
Time is correct now (wasn't before), but Netscape still gives a 304 error when
try to access the same page twice...(or even on other occasions)...whine !
(setting Netscape's caches to 0 helps though).

I am totally new to cl-http, so I just use Mosaic in the meantime
(no problems with Mosaic 2-7b under Solaris)

... just to say that IMHO (which is VERY humble) that maybe some 304 looping
errors could be due to something else ... sorry no idea what

 - cheers - Daniel

Daniel K.Schneider, TECFA (Educational Technologies and Learning)
Faculte de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, University of Geneva,
9 route de Drize, 1227 Carouge(Switzerland),
Phone: (..41) 22 705 9694, Fax: (..41) 22 342 89 24

Please, note the change in my e-mail address (old:schneide@divsun.unige.ch)
Internet: Daniel.Schneider@tecfa.unige.ch
X400: S=schneide;OU=divsun;O=unige;PRMD=switch;ADMD=arcom;C=ch/@gate.unige.ch
www: http://tecfa.unige.ch/ {tecfa/general/tecfa-people/schneider.html}
MOO: tecfamoo.unige.ch 7777 or http://tecfamoo.unige.ch:7777 (Daniel/Kaspar)
