
Re[2]: Crash-O-Rama in cl-http - Addendum

I've wasted a good part of a week on similar problems.  I'm running 53-7 in MCL 
3.0 p2 on a Quadra 840av with 136Mb RAM (no virtual memory) and Netscape 2.0b5, 
running on the same Mac.  I'm a new CL-HTTP user, except for a brief experiment 
about 6 months ago, so naturally I figured that the problems were with my 
environment, but now I'm very "glad" to see others having problems too.  I've 
tried a bunch of things, with some having positive effects.  I finally got 
things to "work" with a combination of changes, the last of which was to turn 
off image loading in Netscape.  Changing the Netscape buffer size from 8k to 1k 
seemed to make things a little better.  I also tried allowing only one open 
connection in Netscape, and also on the server side.

When the Mac would crash, the Mac seemed to be suspended between Netscape and 
MCL, generally with a text-insertion cursor.  I tried flipping back and forth 
between Netscape and MCL before the crash occurred, and once or twice I got a 
glimpse of a GZ cursor, making we wonder whether the problem had to do with Lisp 
being unable to allocate Mac space.

Is anyone having similar problems with pre-53-7 releases of CL-HTTP?

Byron Davies
Motorola Semiconductor
