
Re: xMactcp 1.7 on FTP Site

At  4:07 96.3.27 -0500, John C. Mallery wrote:
>Contains the latest version of the TCP substrate.
>Please try it and report successes or problems.
>Rapid reloading seems to knock over the OpenTransport 1.1 TCP.
>Mactcp seems to work better.
>Please send your reports to bug-mac-cl-http@ai.mit.edu
>We would like to converge next week and issue a revised MAC release.

Dose this version work on system 7.5.1?
Apple Japan has no plan to release KanjiTalk 7.5.3.(we are sick for them). 
If it is only for 7.5.3, then I will change the server configuration to use
Japanese Language Kit on 7.5.3.

Kazushi Minagawa 
Nikon Systems, Inc.
8-4-2, Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku,
Yokohama-city, Japan

e-mail: minagawa@nikon-sys.co.jp
world wide web: http://pluto.nikon-sys.co.jp