
Ramblings: multiprocessor macs

I was browsing through the latest issue of the MacWharehouse catalog
(You probably don't want to where I was at the time, though I'm sure
most of you know) drooling at the prospects implied by the new
multiprocessor mac clones.   

The last time I drooled over the prospects of a new machine for
running cl-http (my powermac 9500) I got burned in a big way.  As we
probably all know, the intial 9500 was effectively a beta release...
The server had been running just fine on the PM 7100 I had before it.

Now that CL-http is stable on my 9500 (it's now been up for over a
month.  WHich is actually so short I think only because it's the
longest interval of uninterupted power we've had for a while), I am
not fain to change *anything*, but I can't help but wonder if it would
run a little faster on a multiprocessor mac.

Has anyone tried it?


Christopher Welty                         Vassar College Computer Science Dept.
weltyc@cs.vassar.edu                                     Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
http://www.cs.vassar.edu/faculty/welty                           (914) 437-5992
