
Re: Believing in what you sell...

At 11:20 PM +0000 1997-02-13, Simon Brooke wrote:
>Oh, that I can do without trouble. It compiles beautifully, out of the
>box. It starts perfectly.

More than one can say for the CLIM examples :-) 

>It serves up vast reams of documentation which
>I can't understand (and I am a fairly experienced hacker of LISP

Try http://wilson.ai.mit.edu/cl-http/show-documentation?HTTP:EXPORT-URL

Of course, if you rather read the source code, ....this is one that wizards
just love -- especially if their development environment sucks on macros.

>I have yet, in what probably totals up to twenty hours work,
>got it to interface to any code of mine, or serve a single computed page
>of mine... I will persevere, because conceptually I'm convinced that
>this is the right way to go, and will ultimately deliver the kind of Web
>functionality that I want.

Simon, you probably ought to try some copy and edit from the example code
found in http:examples; (http://wilson.ai.mit.edu/cl-http/sources/examples/)

Start with exports.lisp, then look at documentation.lisp

This will get you started with your own computed pages.

Check out w3p which has documentation and examples when you want
to move up to presentations. You dont want to duplicate code forever
in your input validators.

If you're feeling that you want to wow people, check out the VRML 
generation facility.

The mail hyperarchive is a more advanced example suitable for
people who want to export their whole system via one form.

>But if I succeed, I am jolly well going to write up some beginners
>documentation. Because it *really* shouldn't be this hard!

One of the things that apparently caused buffer overflow for Franz
was that CL-HTTP attempts to capture and present a set of abstractions
(theory) describing the entire http process. Although this provides
the experienced Lisp hacker with complete control, at the same time,
it confronts him with a small sea of abstractions. Many of us
are used to writing systems like this. Those that are not may not
have the navigational skills for working through so many abstractions.

Exported symbols are a good hint that something is worth knowing about.
Internal symbols can be safely disregared. Even then, it would be desirable
to identify the smallest working set necessary to do useful things, which should
be documented in a way that we can extend it as the server, client, web 
walker and coming modules evolve.

For present purposes, I would recommend learning one capability at a time
and exploring around the area a little. The exports.lisp file should do this
for you.

>simon@intelligent.co.uk (Simon Brooke)

Nice web pages. You might be generating some dangerous stuff when you get 
done wrapping your head around cl-http.
