
Re: Believing in what you sell...

Terje Norderhaug wrote:
> It is a snap on the Mac, just open the file called "mac-start-server" and
> choose "evaluate"... after some compilation the server is on air working.
> May be you should get a Mac? (standard response from mac users when others
> have a hard time ;-)

Oh, that I can do without trouble. It compiles beautifully, out of the
box. It starts perfectly. It serves up vast reams of documentation which
I can't understand (and I am a fairly experienced hacker of LISP
systems). I have yet, in what probably totals up to twenty hours work,
got it to interface to any code of mine, or serve a single computed page
of mine... I will persevere, because conceptually I'm convinced that
this is the right way to go, and will ultimately deliver the kind of Web
functionality that I want.

But if I succeed, I am jolly well going to write up some beginners
documentation. Because it *really* shouldn't be this hard!

simon@intelligent.co.uk (Simon Brooke)

	How many pentium designers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Follow-Ups: References: