The 1996 AI Olympics Pages
January 26 - February 3
(All lameness is in the process of being removed.)
This year the AI Olympics will hark back to the days of yore (3rd -
4th century BC) and celebrate the roots of our tradition. The events
and attitudes will be patterned after the original Ancient Greek
Register here.
(requires Netscape or form supporting surf board)
STANDINGS of the olympics.
A preliminary schedule of events:
- Friday 26 January 1996: OLYMPICS START!
- Saturday 27 January 1996
- Sunday 28 January 1996
- Monday 29 January 1996
- Tuesday 30 January 1996
- Wednesday 31 January 1996
- Thursday 1 February 1996
- Friday 2 February 1996
- Saturday 3 February 1996: LAST DAY OF THE OLYMPICS!
Contact the Tyrant with
suggestions for further events. The games will be held starting January 26
and ending February 3.
We are looking
for volunteers to lead the nations:
Some Background:
Tyrant, nay God of these pages Carlo Maley.
He can be supplicated to by emailing: