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Head Nodding


   Head Nodding

The Cog Shop
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
545 Technology Square, #920
Cambridge, MA 02139

write to the Cog Documentation Project: cdp@ai.mit.edu
By adding a tracking mechanism to the output of the face detector and then classifying these outputs, we have been able to have the system mimic yes/no head nods of the caregiver (that is, when the caretaker nods yes, the robot responds by nodding yes). The face detection module produces a stream of face locations at 20Hz. An attentional marker is attached to the most salient face stimulus, and the location of that marker is tracked from frame to frame. If the position of the marker changes drastically, or if no face is determined to be salient, then the tracking routine resets and waits for a new face to be acquired. Otherwise, the motion of the attentional marker for a fixed-duration window is classified into one of three static classes: the yes class, the no class, or the no-motion class. Two metrics are used to classify the motion, the cumulative sum of the displacements between frames (the relative displacement over the time window) and the cumulative sum of the absolute values of the displacements (the total distance traveled by the marker). If the horizontal total trip distance exceeds a threshold (indicating some motion), and if the horizontal cumulative displacement is below a threshold (indicating that the motion was back and forth around a mean), and if the horizontal total distance exceeds the vertical total distance, then we classify the motion as part of the no class. Otherwise, if the vertical cumulative total trip distance exceeds a threshold (indicating some motion), and if the vertical cumulative displacement is below a threshold (indicating that the motion was up and down around a mean), then we classify the motion as part of the yes class. All other motion types default to the no-motion class. These simple classes then drive fixed-action patterns for moving the head and eyes in a yes or no nodding motion. While this is a very simple form of imitation, it is highly selective. Merely producing horizontal or vertical movement is not sufficient for the head to mimic the action—the movement must come from a face-like object.


Representatives of the press who are interested in acquiring further information about the Cog project should contact Elizabeth Thomson, thomson@mit.edu, from the MIT News Office,  http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/www/ .


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