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Research on Cog

The Cog Shop
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
545 Technology Square, #920
Cambridge, MA 02139

write to the Cog Documentation Project: cdp@ai.mit.edu
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Using computer and robotic technology we seek to better understand and emulate human intelligence. The humanoid robot Cog, shown above,  is the primary robotic platform used by the group to explore human intelligence. Several other  robotic platforms are also being used by the group in order to efficiently and concurrently explore more specialized aspects of human intelligence. Prior to implementing their work on Cog, many researchers initially develop their ideas on these smaller platforms.

We infrequently update these general information pages. In order to find out about our most recent work, you should view our papers in the publications section.


Representatives of the press who are interested in acquiring further information about the Cog project should contact Elizabeth Thomson, thomson@mit.edu, from the MIT News Office,  http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/www/ .


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