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Cog's Vestibular



  Cog's Vestibular System

The Cog Shop
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
545 Technology Square, #920
Cambridge, MA 02139

write to the Cog Documentation Project: cdp@ai.mit.edu
The human vestibular system plays a critical role in thecoordination of motor responses, eye movement, posture, and balance. The human vestibular sensory organ consists of the three semi-circular canals, which measure the acceleration of head rotation, and the two otolith organs, which measure linear movements of the head and the orientation of the head relativeto gravity. To mimic the human vestibular system, Cog has three rate gyroscopesmounted on orthogonal axes (corresponding to the semi-circular canals) and twolinear accelerometers (corresponding to the otolith organs). Each of these devices is mounted in the head of the robot, slightly below eye level. Analog signals fromeach of these sensors is amplified on-board the robot, and processed on-board by a commercial A/D converter attached to one of the PC brain nodes.




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