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Cog's Vision System


  Cog's Vision System

The Cog Shop
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
545 Technology Square, #920
Cambridge, MA 02139

write to the Cog Documentation Project: cdp@ai.mit.edu
Cog's visual system is designed to mimic some of the capa-bilities of the human visual system, including binocularity and space-variant sensing (Scassellati 1998a). Each eye can rotate about an independent vertical axis (pan) and a coupled horizontal axis (tilt). To allow for both a wide field of view and high resolution vision, there are two grayscale cameras per eye, one which captures a wide-angle view of the periphery (88.6 degree (V ) x 115.8 degree (H)  fieldof view) and one which captures a narrow-angle view of the central (foveal) area(18.4 degree (V ) x 24.4 degree (H) field of view with the same resolution). Each camera pro-duces an NTSC signal that is digitized by a frame grabber connected to the digital signal processor network.

   Brought to you by, Brian Scassellati lil-scaz.gif (4865 bytes)

The main vision system researcher for Cog.


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