Workshop on Wide-Area Collaboration and Cooperative Computing

Time: 4:00 - 5:30pm Wednesday, October 19th, 1994

Location: Gold Room, 2nd Floor

  1. Abstract
  2. This workshop is intended as a brainstorming session on ways to extend and develop the World-Wide Web for group collaboration, which may include the sharing of software, data, or human expertise. It emphasizes how the W3 can help people who are geographically dispersed cooperate to create coherent wholes from individual contributions. The Web Interactive Talk is a suggestive early example.

    The search for more effective ways to store, locate, retrieve, manipulate, and share networked information has engendered a shift toward explicit representations of knowledge. The workshop will consider how this emergent paradigm relates to the W3 technology needed to support wide-area and large-scale collaboration and cooperative computing. Participation is not limited to researchers actively working in the area; application developers, domain specialists, and potential consumers are encouraged to participate.

    A key aim of the workshop is to establish structures within the W3 Consortium for continuing development of the World-Wide Web as a foundation for wide-area collaboration.

  3. Agenda

  4. Register Interest in The Workshop
  5. If you plan to attend the workshop or wish submit a statement of interest, please register a position abstract.

  6. Meta-Structure of Collaboration and Cooperation
  7. If the earlier experiments last summer with WIT were a test of how this kind of system might be used by non-specialists, the current round may show how well experts can use typed links. In any event, we will have a concrete, shared experience that can motivate exactly how these systems should be improved. See you in Chicago!

    For further information, please send email to WWW-CCC@AI.MIT.EDU.

    John C. Mallery