Ocular motor control
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Watch clip: Pursuit and orienting 
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Watch clip: Searching versus engaging 
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Watch clip: Withdrawal and startle responses 
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Kismet's visual-motor control is modeled after the human ocular-motor system. The human system is so good at providing a stable percept of the world that we have no intuitive appreciation of the physical constraints under which it operates.

Humans have foveate vision. The fovea (the center of the retina) has a much higher density of photoreceptors than the periphery. This means that to see an object clearly, humans must move their eyes such that the image of the object falls on the fovea. Human eye movement is not smooth. It is composed of many quick jumps, called saccades, which rapidly re-orient the eye to project a different part of the visual scene onto the fovea. After a saccade, there is typically a period of fixation, during which the eyes are relatively stable. They are by no means stationary, and continue to engage in corrective micro-saccades and other small movements. If the eyes fixate on a moving object, they can follow it with a continuous tracking movement called smooth pursuit. This type of eye movement cannot be evoked voluntarily, but only occurs in the presence of a moving object. Periods of fixation typically end after some hundreds of milliseconds, after which a new saccade will occur.

The eyes normally move in lock-step, making equal, conjunctive movements. For a close object, the eyes need to turn towards each other somewhat to correctly image the object on the foveae of the two eyes. These disjunctive movements are called vergence, and rely on depth perception (see figure).

Since the eyes are located on the head, they need to compensate for any head movements that occur during fixation. The vestibulo-ocular reflex uses inertial feedback from the vestibular system to keep the orientation of the eyes stable as the eyes move. This is a very fast response, but is prone to the accumulation of error over time. The opto-kinetic response is a slower compensation mechanism that uses a measure of the visual slip of the image across the retina to correct for drift. These two mechanisms work together to give humans stable gaze as the head moves.

Our implementation of an ocular-motor system is an approximation of the human system. Kismet's eyes periodically saccade to new targets chosen by the attention system, tracking them smoothly if they move and the robot wishes to engage them.

Vergence eye movements are more challenging, since errors in disjunctive eye movements can give the eyes a disturbing appearance of moving independently. Errors in conjunctive movements have a much smaller impact on an observer, since the eyes clearly move in lock-step.

Humans exhibit four characteristic types of eye motion. Saccadic movements are high-speed ballistic motions that center a target in the field of view. Smooth pursuit movements are used to track a moving object at low velocities. The vestibulo-ocular and opto-kinetic reflexes act to maintain the angle of gaze as the head and body move through the world. Vergence movements serve to maintain an object in the center of the field of view of both eyes as the object moves in depth.
Other topics
Kismet's hardware
Facial expression
Visual attention
Low-level features
Expressive speech
Affective intent in speech
Homeostatic regulation mechanisms
The behavior system


    contact information: cynthia@ai.mit.edu